As noted in the 8th Chapter of the Gospel of John, when Jesus began to inspire followers from his Jewish kinsmen, they did not understand him that his words of truth would “set them free.” Many of his followers thought that they were already free because they were back in Jerusalem. They did not understand the spiritual bondage that they were living in. A message from our Supreme Father Marshall Davis, Sr. discusses how we can free ourselves from the bondage of carnally minded thinking and habits. “These carnal cravings prevent, hinder and enslave the emotions and mind to a world of limitations and vanities,” says Father Marshall. This session discusses forgiving yourself and freeing yourself through the truth.
No Questions No Doubt
To gain access to the full measure of the blessing of God we should approach the LORD’s omnipotent presence without doubt. When we said no questions, we don’t mean not to request or petition God for your needs. Instead, we mean don’t doubt or question the power or possibilities of God during your requests or inquiries. During this session, we discuss the 57th Chapter of the Aquarian Gospel where a council of seven sages continues to access the trouble people have in connecting with God’s omnipotence and omniscience. Doubt is a major factor in our misconceptions of God.
The Light of the Comforter
The comforting presence of God connecting to us is often preceded as a light. Likewise, failure to comprehend the omnipresence of God is often described as darkness. In the 56th Chapter of the Aquarian Gospel a council of seven sages from around the world convene at the beginning of the Piscean Age to discuss the spiritual needs of the various ethnic groups. The discuss how fear and selfishness have ruined the spiritual senses of people and religions. Several of the sages express a need for spiritual enlightenment to uplift the masses and prepare an angelic fabric for the edification of the world.
Recognizing the Christ
On the Sunday that Jesus the Christ resurrected he encountered several of his followers. Generally, the three women name Mary were said to be the first to see him. As in many other of the sacred text, the Aquarian Gospel notes that most of his followers did not immediately recognize Jesus when they first saw him. In this session, we discuss the 173 Chapter of the Aquarian Gospel and how often we forget to recognize the Christ in our daily lives.
The Divine Equation
The old adage “As Above, So Below” suggests to us that what happens to us here in the earthly realm has divine, spiritual counterparts. This means that we may learn to understand heavenly, spiritual concepts by comparing them to everyday, commonplace activities. These types of comparisons, or equating Divine concepts to items and circumstance we see on earth, are often called parables. Jesus the Christ always taught the public in such parables. In a message from our Supreme Father Marshall Davis, Sr., he urges us to use our powers of concentration to get the deeper spiritual meaning of parables.
Yearning for Divine Wisdom
When the Old Testament urges us to “fear the LORD,” the word fear comes from a Hebrew root that means revere or study. Therefore, the phrase “fear the LORD” does not mean to be scared of God, but it means to ardently worship and learn more about God. This type of philosophy towards life is reflected in the first tenet of the Spiritual Guidance Temple of Truth. The tenet says, “Love Divine Wisdom Above All Else.” This session discusses how yearning for Divine Wisdom helps us to develop a love that is based on devotion rather than just emotion. Devotional love is based on alliance, loyalty, and enthusiasm.
Two Can Run Ten Thousand
When we combine our resources with spiritual cords of love, we increase our potential for overwhelming victories. Our discussion is based on the symbolism of the cord that links the two fish in the sign of Pisces. The cord represents a spiritual connection that will magnify our abilities to create good things. This magnificent power is available to those who make God the source of their relationships.
Produce good things through the inner joy of charity
One of the twelve tenets of the Spiritual Guidance Temple of Truth is to be a producer of good things. These tenets were established for our organization by Her Holiness of Blessed Memory the Illuminated Supreme Mother Mildred Davis Miller. This tenet relates well to the description of charity or love in the 13th Chapter of I Corinthians. Whether you call it charity, or love, loving-kindness, or mercy, it is an inner joy that we receive from our higher consciousness that makes our words, thoughts, and deeds both worthwhile and inspiring. Without this inner joy, even things that seem like worthwhile deeds are meaningless and unfulfilling.
The Strength of Silent Seed Prayers
The March message from our Supreme Father Marshall L. Davis, Sr. to “plant prayer seeds in the divine kingdom and let the supernatural realm take its course to manifest your desires.” This session discusses how these seeds, especially those that are sown in the silence within, grow into great blessing when we patiently wait for them to grow. Like a seed growing in a garden, we strengthen our blessing when we weed our consciousness of weeds like doubt, fear, and anger.
Separating from Carnal Mindedness During the Fast
After the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus the Christ-like a pure white dove when he was baptized, he went into the wilderness to fast and pray. During this time when many of us fast to honor the 40 days that Jesus prepared himself in the wilderness, it would be great if we focused our consciousness on uplifting our thoughts from carnal mindedness as the major purpose of the fast. In this session, we discuss the dove as a representation of purity, and the withdrawal into the wilderness as a metaphor for separating our thoughts from carnality.