Achieving Your Goals with Seeds of Appreciation

Like a farmer using fertile soil to grow a better crop, we should use appreciation to improve the manifestation of our desires, ideas, and aspirations, according to a message from our Supreme Father Marshall L. Davis. A wonderful method of showing appreciation is to give tithes and offerings. These seeds “contribute greatly to your spiritual growth and your material prosperity,” Davis wrote in the message. During this conversation, several attendees expressed blessings they received from tithing and from showing appreciation to others in various ways.

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Pleasant Sunday

This session reviewed our discussions from November, December, and January. Topics included looking into your soul to judge yourself, unfolding like a lily blossom, the anniversary of our Illuminated Supreme Mother Mildred Davis Miller, how to fuel your faith, developing cosmic sight to see heaven open, praying straight to heaven like an arrow, making your Christmas trees more sacred with light, life and love, the wisdom of Kwanzaa dwelling together in unity, appreciating wise and encouraging words, the Capricorn secret of being content, your dream, your mountain: community over chaos, and using the workshop of the mind to declare your profession.

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Using the Workshop of the Mind to Declare Your Profession

The astrological sign known as Capricorn is said to predominate over the House of Profession. Although we generally look at the word profession to mean a career, the word comes from a Latin root that means a vow made on entering a religious order or publicly declare that you have the skills to perform an occupation. We looked at a passage from the 20th Chapter of the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ to see how he compared the tools of a carpenter to tools we could use to improve our character. We can use our minds to measure our thoughts, encircle our passions, square up our ideas, and create firm connections in the structure of our endeavors.

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Your Dream, Your Mountain: Choose Community Over Chaos

At a recent lecture, Dr. Martin Luther King biographer Dr. Clayborne Carson said that Dr. King’s oratory has a way of touching a chord inside most individuals to make them feel a personal connection to King’s symbolic messages. The symbols inspired us to consider our personal dreams or personal mountains. Dr. Carson also recommended that we look at the last book of Dr. King, “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community.” In this session we discussed the benefits of making a personal choice of community building techniques over chaotic actions to make a better future. Among the topics discussed where using love instead of burdening your character with hate, allowing the American principles to be born again in our society, and realizing that “divine dissatisfaction” was a necessary component of social change for the betterment of the nation.

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The Capricorn Secret of Being Content

In the twelfth verse of the Forth Chapter of Philippians, Paul encourages us to learn the secret of being content in any and every situation. This type of adaptability is also indicated in the spiritual symbols and glyphs of the astrological sign we know as Capricorn. Looking at the description of the Capricorn glyph in the book “Sacred Astrology,” by our Supreme Father Marshall Davis, we learn that half goat and half crocodile (or sometimes fish) symbol for this sign, teaches us about adaptability. It teaches us to use our ambition to help further the development of our soul. We can learn to be as surefooted as a mountain goat, using every crevice, crack and ridge to climb to higher states of consciousness in our lives. We also can learn from the crocodile, which knowns to bask in the sunlight to energize it body when it finds itself in a chilling situation. Adaptability inspired by prayers, affirmations, and meditation can overcome listlessness, depression, and despair.

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Appreciating Wise and Encouraging Words

The message for the month of January from our Supreme Father Marshall Davis advises us to be thankful for those who are placed in your life for your growth and prosperity. Appreciate those who give of themselves to make your life better with wise and encouraging words. The message says that arrogance will blind you to the support you receive from heaven. Thankfulness will help to increase your blessing. This session also discusses peace that is the result of facing conflict and negotiating a mutually beneficial relationship with others. Peace established through thoughtful collaborations are more stable than just accepting bad circumstances in an attempt to avoid violence and aggression. 

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The Wisdom of Kwanzaa and Dwelling Together in Unity

December 26 is the first day of the African-American celebration called Kwanzaa. It is dedicated to Umoja, unity. The Bible also tells us that it is good and pleasant to dwell together in unity. In this session we discussed the amazing life concepts taught in the Kwanzaa traditions as well as several African traditions that are good for the edification of our lives. One of the African symbolic traditions discussed is the Adinkra symbol known as “Siamese Crocodiles.” This African symbol of unity teaches us to be ferocious fighters to feed the common stomach, but not to fight against each other because we are joined together. This session also discusses two Hebrew words for unity (yachad and echad), and how they relate to our spiritual development.

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Making Christmas Tress More Sacred with Light, Life, and Love

The recent book, “Sacred Astrology,” by Supreme Father Marshall Davis, includes affirmations that are very effective in spiritualizing various prayers during specific astrological events. One of the affirmations prays that we “consecrate my Christmas tree as a sacred altar to request the manifestation of promises of Divinity with my Life.” In addition to praying that the decorations on the tree become spiritual symbols of divine wisdom, love and power, the affirmation urges us to inspire a inner Tree of Life within us that will manifest healing and guide us to our life’s purpose. This affirmation is a beautiful way to connect your celebration of Christmas to spiritual Christian principles.

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Praying Straight to Heaven Like an Arrow

From the recent book by our Supreme Father Marshall Davis called “Sacred Astrology,” we can gain great insight into the spiritual lessons in the symbols use in astrology. One of the symbols associated with the sign Sagittarius in the arrow. The section of the book that explains the glyph of Sagittarius calls this symbol the “Arrow of Aspiration.” In the book, Father Davis says that the spiritual lesson from this symbol is that our praise and prayers should be like arrows. “Prayer is a means to propel one’s request to reach higher dimensions,” says the author. This session discusses making prayers more effective by aligning our will with God’s will.

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Developing Cosmic Sight to See Heaven Open

In the Gospel of John, the disciple Nathanael is impressed when Jesus’ psychic abilities could see Nathanael “under a fig tree” before he met Jesus. However, Jesus tells Nathanael that as a disciple he will see heaven open “and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” The phenomena of the spiritual gates of heaven opening for blessed children of God is recorded in other incident, such as Jacob seeing angels ascending a ladder and Moses seeing a burning bush that was not consumed by the flames. Heaven is often depicted as a spiritual realm that opens a pathway to blessing and cosmic insight while we are still in the material. This session discusses the principles of developing cosmic insight.

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