It is often a very difficult thing to do, but our lives would be better if we learn to use love as the master key even with our enemies. Hate does not destroy hatred. In this discussion, we look at the root of the Hebrew word for “enemy.” The word is rooted in hate. Doesn’t hating those who hate you complete hatred. We must take up the difficult, often twisted path of using love to implement the process of destroying hate. However, you must protect yourself in the process. Lesson to this session for more.
The Lesson of the Lion
The lion has a mighty roar which the Bible compares to the wrath of a king. The Bible also says that we are to be kings under the Kingship of the Christ. This discussion questions the best ways to use the lionhearted spirit that we receive from the Christ. It talks about how to use this strength like the favors of a king that nourishes others, rather than in a wrath that chases people away from you and righteousness.
Workshop of the Mind: Jesus and the Carpenter’s Tools
In the Aquarian Gospel, Jesus the Christ compares the carpenter tools he learned as a child where effective reminders on methods we could use to make our lives more holy and successful. This discussion looks at mental techniques we need to live based on structurally sound principles. It also compares these techniques to the Underground Railroad quilting pattern that we call the Adjustable Wrench.
The Refused Corner Stone and Jacob’s Ladder
It is believed that the temple of Israel was built on or near the stone that Jacob slept on when he had the vision of the ladder leading to heaven. This session discussed that when we look into the past, we must make sure to build on the true stones of truth for use to have a solid and meaningful foundation. We also discuss how the constellation of Cancer the Crab teaches us to deal with the painful and pungent ideas of the past to find the true stone that will lead to a fuller life.
Positive Affirmations for Live, Success, and Health
You should “use positive affirmations to create the power you need to transform your life,” says the July Message from Supreme Father Marshall L. Davis, Sr. This session looks at an old affirmation from Ancient Egypt that calls for Life, Prosperity, and Health to discuss how to visualize God’s glory clothing us with blessings. The message encourages us to use the 104th Psalm to be wrapped and shinning with the great glory of God.
Summer Solstice and the Grace of John the Baptist
Just as John the Baptist was the harbinger or the preparer of the path for the ministry of Jesus the Christ, our individual healing also often requires a cleansing process that precedes the healing salvation. This session discusses the role that grace in preparing us for salvation. In the solar cycle sense, the summer solstice is the time of year that we should emphasize this principle of the cleansing power of grace.
The Twins: Togetherness and Unity
The constellations were given to us for signs and seasons. From a study of the word twins, the constellation known to us as Gemini teaches us a vital lesson about togetherness and unity. This session of the Temple of Truth video discussion looks at how these principles create good and pleasant blessings in our lives, even when they cause twists and turns in our circumstances.
Five Encouraging Challenges Because We Are Create in the Image of God
Spiritual Guidance Temple of Truth Supreme Father Marshall L. Davis, Sr., shares his insights into five challenges that come from God saying that humankind should be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue, and have dominion. Looking at the spiritual implications of these challenges on our daily living, this presentation looks at encouraging us to live a life that is worthy of God’s blessings.
Four Principles of Loving-kindness
Whether you call it loving-kindness, mercy, or charity, the 13th chapter of I Corinthians gives for standards of love as the greatest abiding philosophy in the world. The congregation of the Spiritual Guidance Temple of Truth discusses the divine meanings of protection, firm principles, expectation, and steadfastness as guideposts for daily living.
Stand in the Awe of God
Reconciliation over Retailiation
Based on a written monthly message from Supreme Father Marshall Davis, our congregation discussed standing in the awe of God. In addition to the message, we looked at Ephesians 6 regarding standing with the whole amour of God. The main topic was standing for truth, which means emphasizing reconciliation over retaliation Even in light of the troubles we face today, reconciliation is a much better answer than retaliation. Retaliation leads to an endless cycle of damages. Reconciliation can lead to a long-lasting system of success and blessing.