The Haudenosaunee Confederacy, a participatory form of democracy developed by native Americans long before European colonization, was a major influence in the development of the United States system of government. Usually, this nation of people is often called the Iroquois, a less than flattering name given to them by their enemies, the Haudenosaunee urged the original colonies to unify like them and with them to become a self-governing nation. Even though this influence was not recognized by the U.S. Congress until 1988, it continues to provide a stellar model of unity, truth, tolerance, and justice as the foundation of sustainable government. We should all remember these examples as we celebrate the U.S. Constitution on the Fourth of July.
Chase Disappointments Away When You Wash Your Heart and Mind
The July message from our Supreme Father Marshall L. Davis, Sr. encourages us to use the power of our imagination to activate our faith to wash away the unnecessary residue of our past circumstances. Even though we have lived through a muddy time, we survived. A new season is unfolding. We must plan and design goals that will manifest the blessings that are opening up to us. Do not let unkindness and jealousy rob you of a better future. Instead of being annoyed by those indulging in their lower selves, focus your heart and mind on creating better outcomes for your life.
Proverbs: A Manhood Survival Guide
How can a man maintain his connection to God and survive the challenges he will face to his masculinity and prosperity? The founder of the Spiritual Guidance Temple of Truth, Her Holiness of Blessed Memory the Illuminated Supreme Mother Mildred Davis Miller, taught us that proverbs, such as the Book of Proverbs in the Bible, would help to awaken the wisdom of Christ Consciousness in a man to make him an effective and prosperous husband, father, and leader. In the 31st Chapter of Proverbs, Solomon the wise king is called Lemuel, which means belonging to God. In this discussion we explore how the proverbs and other passages of the Bible that give instructions to men and better understood as techniques for employing Christ Consciousness in our relationships, rather than teaching us to be bullies, despots, and tyrants with our wives and children. For Father’s Day, we shared our Manhood Survival Guide.
Personal Magnetism, Mental Magnitude, and the Law of Attraction
Her Holiness of Blessed Memory, the Illuminated Supreme Mother Mildred Davis Miller taught a very balanced way to work with the Law of Attraction. Her approach was based on the principles of magnetism and what she called mental magnitude. The harmonious system of her teachings allowed us to face both triumphs and tragedies in life with equal effectiveness. Her system shunned aggressiveness and hopelessness, by urging us to increase and develop the magnitude of our personal magnetism and faith. From her teachings, we learned that the natural development of personal magnetism is greater than the four delusionary appetites (which she called Stomach, Sex, Greed, and Spiritual) that distort our perception and understanding of our soul’s sincere desires.
Considering Folded Eyes as the Light of the Body
Even though it is often translated that Jesus said “if your eyes are single,” the root of the word translated as “single” can mean folded. Folding the eyes is a meditation technique that draws our consciousness to the Third Eye. The symbol for Gemini, the twins, also suggests being two forces together. We discuss how balancing the dynamic and comforting forces in our lives to bring enlightenment to all our endeavors.
Halleluiah, The Joy of Meditating on God
The name for God in the word Halleluiah is derived from a root that means to be our exists. Jah, Jehovah, and the root Hayah all refer to God as the self-existent, eternal essence of all creation. Hayah also compares to the word Havah which connotes to breath. Breathing techniques and praise mantras like Halleluiah help our consciousness realize that God is All. This session looks closely at the use of the word Halleluiah in the 113th Psalm.
Emancipation and Our Responsibilities to our Groups
As we recognize May 20 as Florida Emancipation Day, the day in 1865 when the black people of the state were officially granted their full rights as American citizens including freedom from bondage, we discuss the full meaning of emancipation. Looking at an African philosophy call Umbutu, we looked at the interdependence between the individual and the group. Umbutu is often translated as “I am because we are.” Under the Umbutu philosophy, the individual is strengthened by the group, and the group has strengthened the individual. Like a child reaching the age of adulthood, emancipation is when an individual becomes a fully entitled, fully self-determining member of a group. Emancipation gives us rights and responsibilities.
Managing Money with Faithfulness
Although greed and avarice are the roots of many vicious things done for money, the Bible urges us to manage money with faithfulness according to our ability. Jesus the Christ gave us the parable of the talents to help encourage us to manage money with faithfulness. When we manage money faithfully, the Master of the Universe will bless us with greater opportunities. After all, God wants us all to have prosperity and good health.
Motherhood the Divine Foundation
As we celebrate Mother’s Day 2021, we look at how mothers demonstrate the Divine traits of illumination, vivification, and nourishing their children. We see the All-pervading, All-powerful nature of God as inclusive of the feminine, motherly principle. We see God as both a Mother and a Father to us, without diminishing the goodness of God in either idea. As we recognize God as a Divine Mother, we realize that so many women on each daily reflect the blessing and compassion of God in their lives. This compassion also is depicted in the Sacred Heart of Mary icons.
The Maypole and the Mystic Tree in the Garden
According to Revelations, he that overcomes will eat from the tree of life (Rev. 1:7). As we look at the symbolism of trees throughout religious philosophies, trees represent our connection to the higher planes of life. In our order, we recognize our Maypole celebrations as a prayer for harmony for all people as we are blessed with all the wonderful gifts of God.