This session was based on a monthly lesson from our Supreme Father Marshall L. Davis. The message tells us that a fulfilled life depends on manifesting your faith. Similar to mechanical engines which need fuel to keep operating, our faith depends on truth to keep it functioning at its best. “Fuel your faith, not your doubts,” says the message from Father Marshall. This talk looks at the Greek and Hebrew words that translate into faith. It explains how our talents and skills are fortified and fuels by our life experiences. It urges us to increase our faith by increasing our understanding of the truth.
The Anniversary of the Illuminated Supreme Mother Mildred Davis Miller
Unfolding Like a Lily Blossom
The blooming flower of a plant is a beautiful expression of its urge be creative and reproduce. Lilies are noted for creating its creative expressions even though they may be in a harsh, murky, and foil smelling environment. From the 25th Chapter of the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, we are encouraged to keep focusing on our creative expressions, even if we are in an environment that is attempting to enslave us with harsh, cruel, and inhumane policies. All of nature and spirit will help us come to our own if we do not allow others to bluff us into submission.
Look Into Your Soul to Judge Yourself
Based on the Hebrew word for it, our soul is like a breathing being that connects us to the source of eternal life. For this reason, our ambitions and the driving force of our lives should look at the rhythm patterns of our souls to help us to live our best life. The founder of the Spiritual Guidance Temple of Truth, Her Holiness of Blessed Memory Mildred Davis Miller incorporated this concept of soul searching in the twelve tenets of our organization. This session discusses that tenet: Look Into Your Soul Constantly to Discover Where and How You Shall Do the Most Good.
Treasures of Heaven
The kingdom of heaven is an everlasting storehouse for our most treasured blessing. Since it is an eternal spiritual reality, heaven can provide or add all manner of blessing to your life even in the here and now. Our Supreme Father Marshall L. Davis provides us with a message this month that gives us greater insight into how we can take advantage of these heavenly treasures that do not rot and cannot be stolen. This discussion especially looks at how these spiritual treasures are added to us in the early realm. As Jesus said, our foremost goal is to seek the blessing in the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness so that all manner of things can be added unto your life.
Writings as Guiding Lights in Your Life
Thoughts and philosophies that have been committed to written statements and pictures can help build your spiritual development. From the Hebrew word “sefer” we learn that books, words, and numbers can form firm concepts that can guide us to successful accomplishments in our endeavors. The 14th Chapter of the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ helps us to understand how we can personalize our spiritual development with words that have been written. This session is a new look at the concept that “all scriptures are holy, and are good for the edification of man.”
The Truth About Western Hemisphere History and Indigenous People
The truth is a strong foundation for sustainable success and an inner peace that passes all understanding. Sadly, many people and cultures are too proud to be truthful. They taint history with embellishments that are both false and easily disproven. In this session, we discuss the truth about African-American, Indigenous People and their interactions and contributions to the Western Hemisphere. Facing the truth will help us build a better nation. Especially a nation that is not overwhelmed with fear, greed, corruption, and oppression. As the Bible says, “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
You Don’t Have to Pretend with God
The Spiritual Christian life is not for actors or pretenders. In other words, it is not for hypocrites. When Jesus the Christ saw the teachers of the law and Pharisees of his day, he denounced them as hypocrites. In Matthew 23:13, he accuses them of shutting “the door of the kingdom of heaven in the people’s faces.” He points out that the teachers of the law and Pharisees did not enter into the kingdom of heaven themselves, nor did they let others enter who are trying to. Blocking the kingdom of heaven and its spiritual blessings leave hypocrites in a state of woe, and places unnecessary burdens on the people, especially those who place more value on material possession and recognition than on the sacredness of spiritual connections. This recording is a discussion on how we can avoid the mistakes and the desolation of life that follows the ways of the hypocrites, the greedy, the self-indulgent, and the wicked.
The Wishing Well of Potential
In our October message from our Supreme Father Marshall Davis, Sr., we are encouraged to discover and tap into a “well” of potential that comes from “applying the principles of truth” as the best means to for obtaining success in all our circumstances. In our discussion of potential, we looked at 1 Timothy 6:15. “Which in his times he shall show, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords.” From this passage, we discussed the word potentate as a person who possesses great power and authority. As children of God, we should endeavor to discover and tap into the power and authority we receive through the Christ within. The Christ within is the well of internal, spiritual potential.
The Helpfulness of the Self-Mastered
Let us probe the parable of Jesus the Christ to first removed the beam out of your own eye, by comparing it to the Ancient Egyptian concept of the “geru” or the Self-Mastered. We looked into “The Husia,” a book of translation of selections from Ancient Egyptian text by Maulana Karenga, who is also noted for introducing and promoting of Kwanzaa celebrations in America and beyond. In a section of the Husia known as “The Book of Declaration of Virtues,” we discuss how these ancient Africans sought to be better leaders and citizens through geru or self-mastership. Under this philosophy, even the rulers and administrators valued the principles of truth (ma’at) be being calm, silent, controlled, modest and wise.