MLK Day 2025 Contemplation: Mission Possible

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The meeting focused on the importance of incorporating humanistic principles and involving the black community in the development of AI to shape a more just and compassionate world. The meeting began with a prayer and reading from Psalm 28, focusing on seeking mercy and praising the Lord. A meditation on the power of truth and peace was led, using principles inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. The theme of this year’s Martin Luther King service is “mission possible, protecting freedom, justice, and democracy in the spirit of nonviolence.” The development of AI must be guided by humanistic principles and include the involvement of the black community. Technological advancements, including AI, should prioritize service to humanity and uplift communities rather than focusing solely on profit or efficiency. AI has the potential to shape a more just and compassionate world, tackling issues like poverty and climate change. It is important to approach AI development with courage, compassion, and a focus on shared humanity. Computers were developed based on binary logic, which originated from African divination systems. African divination systems used a binary concept and random tosses, similar to how computers make predictions. Computers have a base of eight bits because it was used in African numbering and divination systems. Black people need to get involved in computer science and AI to avoid being left out. Cultural actions and creativity influence the development of technology. Derek Davis provided two websites for learning about technology and mentioned free classes available. Derek Davis discussed using AI to write stories and emphasized the benefits of incorporating research and background information.

To help you commemorate Dr. King here are some sites you may link to:

The Wright Museum MLK Day Link Below.

The Spiritual Purpose of Sleep: Realigning with Your Higher Self through Dreams and Service

This discussion focused on the spiritual meanings and benefits of sleep, dreams, and metaphysical restoration. From a word study of the Hebrew words for “sleep,” the discussion explores the concepts of a sweet sleep versus a languishing sleep. It provides spiritual insights on realigning with our higher nature through sleep, dreams, and service to others. As an example of looking past surface events to find ways to help others, the discussion views the story of Job. The story shows how we can still be connected to God, even in times of trouble.

The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether they eat little or much, but as for the rich, their abundance permits them no sleep. Ecclesiastes 5:12

2023 Anniversary Sunrise Harmony Prayer Service

It says in Psalm 133:1 that we should “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers live in harmony. Harmony was the focus of the congregation praises, petitions, and thanks to God on the sixth day of our weeklong sunrise services celebration the anniversary of the Spiritual Guidance Temple of Truth that was built by our Illuminated Supreme Mother of Blessed Memory, Mildred Davis Miller.

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The Hope of Glory and the Symbols of the Nativity

When it is enshrined in the manger of our mind, the symbols in the Nativity Scene can help us to awaken our consciousness to Christlike principles that will bring and grow joy, peace, and goodwill to our lives and to all those around us. Whether it is used as a meditation or just a general glance of a passerby, the symbols of the Nativity are a powerful uplift to humanity and human consciousness.

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